Tonight was the first performance of Theater Pub's Pint Sized Plays. A project that I had the privilege of sharing a piece I wrote and directed and another which I acted in. This opportunity came at the end of a busy summer for me. After a busy season of trips and work on other plays, I knew that agreeing to take on multiple responsibilities was going to involve biting more than a pint.

But maybe it's the lovely magic of the theater that takes away one's gag reflex. (You know, among the many other wonderful things it can provide.) I may have been challenged by a few stressful evenings full of actor nightmares and a day spent actually being too nervous to eat anything substantial (hard to believe, I know), but in the end, I was full of love. Delicious theater love. My fellas did a fantastic job in my play, "Genie In A Bud Light" and minutes later the piece I acted in, "Queen Mab In Drag" finally bloomed in front of its first audience. An evening surrounded by theater, friends (two of which mentioned reading my blog - hey, Carl!), laughs, and beer? What could be better?
Well, I'll tell you. Being high-fived at my exit by a drunk girl with the call, "You! You the actress girl with the big eyes!" and getting my appetite back to eat a slice of pizza with my director and lovely friend, Julia, before walking home in some late San Francisco mist. Good one, Monday night, I'm looking forward to doing it all again next week. And, luckily, now that some of the nerves have passed I can return to my normal eating habits... in hopes that one day I'll go from Starving Artist to Only Moderately Hungry Artist.
My late stepfather came to see a ton of our college plays, and you were the main actress he remembered. Not just because you were an awesome lead often, but for being emotional while at it. Especially the non-acting tears at the end of LLL. You're awesome, please keep acting. :)