Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Moon, Mercury, and Some Dog Poop

Happy full moon, friends. Mercury is also back to her old tricks in retrograde. Maybe you're one of those people who thinks putting thought into things like that is silly and pointless. But as I love the silly and pointless I can't help but find it interesting. Perhaps I'm just always looking to blame my bad luck on something I can't control.

And today struck me with some interesting luck. Nothing epic. Just interesting.

It began when I took my dog, Lua (which means moon in Portuguese!) out for her morning "business meeting". While picking up her remains I managed to step off the curb and fall into the street. No traffic was stopped, no one besides my pride had to suffer through that one. I just took my scratched up hands and shook them to the sky for a moment before heading back inside.

After two bizarre bus situations, I made it to camp (my current stream of income) two minutes late. And I'm never late to work so you can imagine how even two minutes would irk me. I shared a fine morning of theater games and unrelated conversations about cats with the kids before we headed to lunch.

When we had finished our tree shaded picnic at the park, and one child had used my arm as a tissue, three girls had to use the bathroom and voted me as their travel agent. Being cool enough to be considered for such an honor was a real compliment. While we walked to the restrooms we passed by a very old woman and her dog, who was in the middle of his own business meeting. She started loudly verbalizing her utter discomfort at the situation. She was sitting in some type of wheel chair device and it was obvious that the mere task of picking up after her dog would put her through some serious stress and probably take the rest of the afternoon. She must have sensed my weakness for pets and old people, as it felt like she was speaking loudly for my benefit, but I immediately volunteered to pick up after her dog and dispose of his waste.

And, um, yikes. That little dog had created quite the mass. I won't get too into it because that would be unfortunate. I'll just say it was truly a shocking and smelly experience. And I deal in the shocking and smelly everyday. But she was very grateful. And it seems with a little act of humanity people are often very willing to leave you with some sweet words of their own, as if your gesture had a price. She told me I was kind and beautiful... and that she liked my skirt. And then how pretty she thought my daughters were. You know, those three eight year olds I dragged along for this undertaking.

As we walked away the girls giggled at the idea of me being their mom. (Which I appreciated. Considering the birthing process of producing three gals around the same age would probably be tricky.) And I explained that sometimes when we can be a help to someone else that we need to step up and do what we can. In complete seriousness, one of the girls came over and whispered to me, "What if we see an old lady with a pooping dog and we don't know how to pick up the poop? What do we do?!" I tried to explain my personal technique with my motherly smile but ultimately explained that just being nice to people is the most important thing. The rest falls into place. Lesson learned, little ladies!

Another bizarro bus situation for my return home and further cell phone issues later, I got back to my apartment just in time to deal with my own little poop machine. And with plenty of time to enjoy this warm moon filled evening... wondering what the planets have in store for us next...

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