Hi there, blog. Been awhile, huh? Well, considering I've been neglecting you for about a year now, here's an attempt to get some writing down and documented.
Recently, I had the privilege to be involved with Theater Pub's March project which consisted of 19 odes dedicated to the living, breathing beauty of the Theatre and all the many feathers that create its wings to fly. I acted, directed, and wrote for this event and had a blast being challenged in multiple ways. And here are my written contributions:
Ode To The Set Designer
You create thriving theatrical space
The world of our dreams, destined to live true.
A picture brought to breathe, finding its grace.
A stage blessed with vision, awake it grew
Under your construction stories danced home.
Pages partnered with a thoughtful design,
Developed vivid imaginations.
We all thank you for the physical poem,
A new environment set to align
With play, for endless continuation.
Ode To The Producer
I grant you my words, the depth of my soul.
But when I depart them,
I sometimes forget who fosters them,
Who cares for them like a gardener patiently awaiting the spring.
Who allows them to grow from bits on a page to a life on the stage.
You finder of gems, you keeper of jewels.
With your wisdom, you hand me the keys to create.
To transform and evolve.
Your gifts of balance and coordination are so desired by this theatrical dance.
And though it’s likely I’ll now try to take the lead and most of the credit
Please allow me to thank you for your trust. And your money.
I always eat as much food as I can whenever it magically appears at a rehearsal.
I seldom think about how it got there.
Because, you know,
I’m pretty busy getting into character.
Though, I am always on the lookout for free food.
But I guess that was you, huh?
Well, thanks.
You’re welcome.
Yes, that was me.
The mover of ideas.
I’m the one overseeing the business, the finances, the visions, the hopes, and the dreams. Like a cook, I’ve assembled each ingredient of the creative team
In hope to make a delicious feast, some food for thought.
I breathe in budgets and schedules.
I’m a genie trying to grant the wish of a play, an experience.
I invest in goals and make leaps of faith.
You may not notice me in the wings or behind the scenes…
If I’ve done my job, it’s the play you’ll remember.
The beauty of a story.
But if you peak behind that bliss, maybe you’ll see my fingers, pushing life onwards.
Ode to the Casting Director
Hello, my name is Ashley Cowan and today I will be doing a monologue from…
Oh, hello, there Casting Director, how do you do?
I’m here to prove, I’m worthy of you!
So please take your eyes off my resume and at least slightly appreciate my dress
I took hours thinking about it and choosing what look may impress.
I get only two minutes to show you I can act AND remember the words to my monologue
Which I hope you could pick up even if you were blind and needed a seeing eye dog.
But seriously, I went to school for this. I really trained hard
I’m super educated on Checkov, Ives, and especially the Bard
Just listen to how great my voice sounds right here, in the space
And all these several varied emotions I can show with my face!
Okay, that was one was supposed to make you laugh and yet you just sit and stare
I wish I could tell you a lack of response is almost more than I can bear.
Do you realize the fate you hold in your hand
What more can I do to make you understand?
I try to show you a glimpse of my… no wait, I heard that you’re gay
So none of these lady parts may interest you much anyway.
But my stomach’s in knots even though I’ve made a career of rejection
Turns out failure can only offer so much in terms of protection
Often, I’ve learned to let it all roll of my back
But sometimes it sticks and it’s like an attack.
There are no A students in this business, no guarantee of success
And even I, the lover of the craft, struggle more than you’d guess
I see the other girls here looking polished and pretty,
Stop to reflect on all the beauty of this city
Maybe one of these strangers could become a real friend
But for now they’d all kill me for a chance to pretend.
They all want it, sure, but I swear I want it the most
And I promise, I’m good! Though I still hate to boast.
So before you, I stand and I blush and I tremble
I’m promise I’m trying, regardless of what I resemble
Just striving to stand out of that crowd
For this quick opportunity to make you proud
I trust your talent and years of insight
Assembling casts to forever shine bright
You mastered the art of matching actors to roles
Impacted audiences and numerous impressionable souls.
We’ll hear the voices you pick, see the faces you deemed as strong
But really, if you don’t choose me, I think you’ll be wrong.
Just kidding. You know I trust your vision and skill
I only long for this chance, this chase, this thrill.
And I truly thank you for all that you do
And wish quite dearly I’ll be one of your few-
Okay, thank you. Thank you, very much…
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